Leh, June 27: The Ladakh Police marked the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, also known as "World Drug Day," with a significant...
Leh, June 27: In a gesture of gratitude and seeking continued support, a delegation from Zanskar Karsha Gonpa, led by Ven. Lobzang Sangdup, Photang In...
Leh, June 27: Advocate Mohd Nasir called on the Hon’ble Lieutenant Governor of Ladakh, Brigadier (Dr) BD Mishra (Retd), at the Lieutenant Governor’s Secretariat. Commissioner/Secretary...
Leh, June 27: A delegation of outsourced pharmacists from Kargil engaged under the National Health Mission (NHM) met with the Hon’ble Lieutenant Governor of Ladakh,...
Srinagar, Jun 27: Going ahead with its mission of providing ease of banking through digital and alternate channels, J&K Bank today commissioned a new...
Leh, June 27: In a significant stride towards digital governance, the Union Territory of Ladakh has embraced the e-Gazette system for the publication of official...
Leh, June 27: In a landmark initiative aimed at bolstering agricultural education and research in Ladakh, the Ladakh Skill Development Mission (LSDM) has entered...