JAMMU, SEPTEMBER 12: To pay rich tribute to Shri BawaJitto, Directorate of Agriculture, Jammu today installed an image of Shri BawaJitto in newly renovated Temple in the premises of the Directorate office.
The function was organized jointly by the Agriculture Officers Association, All J& K Agriculture Employees Association, Drivers Union and staff of the Directorate of Agriculture, Jammu.
Speaking on the occasion Director Agriculture Jammu H. K. Razdan recalled the supreme sacrifice of legendary saint farmer BawaJitto who fought against injustice and suppression by the landlords of that era, adding that BawaJitto will always be remembered as a messenger of honesty and truthfulness.
He urged upon the gathering to follow footsteps of the great saint and work for the betterment of farming community as well as society.
A special adoration and worship was also performed on the occasion which was followed by distribution of Prasad.
BuleshZutshi, Joint Director of Agriculture (SLUB), K. S. Sambyal, Joint Director Agriculture (Inputs), Jagmohan Bhat, Incharge Deputy Director (Central), Jammu, Sunil Koul, Deputy Director (Trainings), K. K. Sharma, Agriculture Economist, R. K. Bindroo, Agriculture Chemist, H. D. Sharma, Agronomist Vegetables, A. H. Salaria, Estate officer, Sandeep Dogra, SCA (I&P), Uttam Chand Sharma, President All J & K Agriculture Employees Association Jammu, Keshav Singh, President of Driver Union and large number of other officers and officials of the department attended the programme.