Jammu Sept, 4: As a part of intensified drive against the criminals under the directions of Dr. Koshal Sharma, JKPS, SSP Samba, District Police Samba arrested two absconders from Samba area who were evading their arrest since long after commission of crime. After developing specific information, a Police Party of P/S Samba
constituted on the directions of SSP Samba, headed by ASI Balbir Singh under the close supervision of Inspr Chanchal Singh, SHO P/S Samba and under the supervision of Sh. Deepak Digra, Dy.SP Hqrs, conducted raids at different suspicious places in and out of the District Samba and finally succeeded in apprehending the absconders from the Samba area.
The accused persons identified as Parmod Kumar S/o Subash Chander R/o Tarloka Chappri, Samba and Sanjeev Kumar S/o Chuni Lal R/o Barian, Samba who were wanted in case FIR NO. 102/2016 U/S 341/323 RPC of P/S Samba and case FIR NO. 155/2014 U/S 336/332/147/148 RPC of P/S Samba respectively have been produced in the court of Law.