Kargil :- A group of students from Shiv Nadar School recently embarked on an exciting educational journey to Government High School in Kaksar, Kargil, Ladakh. The visit aimed to foster inter-school connections and promote cultural exchange between the students of these two remarkable educational institutions.
The Guest students and teachers were welcomed by the Headmaster of the School and Teachers along with Students of GHS Kaksar with Traditional Khataks.
During their visit, the students of Shiv Nadar School actively engaged in various activities with their counterparts at Government High School. The interaction between the young minds allowed them to explore different perspectives, share experiences, and learn from each other’s diverse backgrounds.
The day kicked off with warm welcomed by the Headmaster, staff members and students of the Govt. High school Kaksar and an enthralling session of introductions, where the students had an opportunity to become acquainted with each other. The lively atmosphere was accompanied by laughter, excitement, and curiosity as they began exchanging stories and experiences.
Following the introductions, the students participated in interactive sessions that included discussions on a wide range of topics, such as village walk, culture, education, sports, and hobbies. Through these conversations, the Shiv Nadar School students gained insights into the lives and traditions of their fellow students from Government High School Kaksar.
As a part of the cultural exchange, the students also showcased various art forms, performances, and traditional cuisines from their respective regions. This allowed them to celebrate and appreciate the rich diversity that exists within our country.
The visit to Government High School in Kaksar, Kargil, Ladakh left a lasting impact on both groups of students. The experience not only broadened their horizons, but also highlighted the importance of unity, understanding, and mutual respect.
The Staff Member of Shiv Nadar School expressed immense joy and gratitude for the warm reception they received from Government High School, Kaksar, Kargil, Ladakh. They emphasized the significance of such inter-school initiatives that promote cross-cultural awareness among students, fostering a sense of global citizenship.
Shiv Nadar School Gurugram is a leading educational institution known for its commitment to academic excellence and holistic education. With a mission to nurture critical thinking, creativity, and social awareness, the school strives to create future leaders who make a positive impact on society.