Srinagar: The Srinagar Police on Thursday denied a media report of arrests of 14 people for not standing up when the national anthem was played during a function held in June. Jammu and Kashmir Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha was also present at the function. The police, however, said that 12 persons have been generally bound down for good behaviour under sections 107/151 of CrPC.
“There is an unverified news doing round that 14 policemen/persons have been arrested /suspended for disrespecting the national anthem. It is clarified that the news is completely false, rather 12 persons have been generally bound down for good behaviour under sections 107/151 of CrPC,” the Srinagar Police said in a tweet.
There is an unverified news doing round that 14 policemen/persons have been arrested /suspended for disrespecting national anthem. It is clarified that the news is completely false, rather 12 persons have been generally bound down for good behaviour under sections 107/151 of CrPC
— Srinagar Police (@SrinagarPolice) July 6, 2023