On a historic day for Ladakh, Justice Tashi Rabstan, the senior Judge has been assigned the duties of the Chief Justice of the High Court of Jammu, Kashmir, and Ladakh consequent upon the retirement of Chief Justice, Ali Mohd. Magrey.
Congratulating Justice Rabstan, the Chairman/CEC, Adv. Tashi Gyalson stated, “Indeed a proud moment for the entire Ladakh as a son of Ladakhi soil would now take over the highest judiciary position of two Union Territories. He was the first Ladakhi to become a judge of the High Court and now he would assume the duties of the Chief Justice of the High Court of Jammu, Kashmir & Ladakh. We are proud of him and we would definitely hope to see him in much higher positions in the future. My congratulations and best wishes to Justice Tashi Rabtsan for his future endeavors.”