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HomeNorth IndiaJammu & KashmirJammu and Kashmir UT needs overhaul in industry and Power sector

Jammu and Kashmir UT needs overhaul in industry and Power sector


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Er. Dharampal Balgotra

“No power on earth can stop an idea whose time has come.” The time has now come to take on china by 2030 and to become the Global player. India needs to grow much faster over the next 10 years with the use of technologyand reforms to achieve the goal. To achieve the potential growth rate of minimum 7-8 per cent, India has to improve factor productivity and reduce incremental capital output ratio. Technology, coupled with drastic reforms in areas like power(small hydro and 2MW grid connected solar), industry,environment, health, education, research and innovations, new technology and maintenance of infrastructure can make decisive difference.However, technology   solutions and reforms in power and industry in particular can contribute significantly to enable the realization of ‘Aatmanirbhar Bharat.The time is short but target is quite big and it is possible to achieve unless and until every state push up their efforts to cooperate to achieve the set goal by 2030.

I am now suggesting reforms for my Jammu and Kashmir UT more particular in power and industry sectors, which are critical for the growth and major overhaul is needed to contribute the growth share of the UT towards the fulfillment of goal by 2030.

The present peaking shortage of power is 700MW Power. On developing new industries, an additional impact of the power shortages shall be of the order of 400 MW. Thus, the total peaking shortages shall be 1100 MW, which shall be required by 2025 to fully develop our industrial production. If our country is to take on China by 2030,then we have to focus on small hydro and on solar power to match our requirements. The power from the big hydro projects shall not be available by 2030 and we have left with no choice to go for solar power generation to get quick results and meet our load requirements

Gandhiji had said ‘India lives in Villages’ and this is true even today. The idea of village self-sufficiency has received great deal of attention from social scientists and policy makers over the period of years. The reason for this may be political, academic or even human considerations. In fact, the problem of improving the lot of our population that lives in rural areas has assumed greater significance because of its explosive nature which is threatening our very existence. The present approach is of inclusive growth strategy which implies that we cannot visualize development of our economy unless we incorporate the development of our villages and living conditions of the poorest of poor people residing in those villages under the broad strategy of Globalization and economic development.This plan programmed to encourage decentralized growth of industries. Besides, the skill and productivity of the people engaged in theSmall-scale sector was to be promoted to raise their income levels. For building a decentralized sector in modern industry, both structurally as well as locationally, it is imperative to adopt a firm and clear approach.It would be desirable in the context of present-day Indian conditions for promoting units and more labor-intensive technologies in such fields and processes and adopt policies whereby smaller units of operation and less capital-intensive method could be promoted in the rural sector.

  •      We also haveto carry out reforms in the power sector to afford 24×7 power availability for the industry in rural and urban areas, which are life line forthe industry, growth and comforts. India’s rapid development has to be accompanied by ever-increasing adherence to individualistic values which are very important for the achievement of goal. Everybody, who are at the helm of affairs has to tie up their shoes braces and   stand up to work at least 14 hours in a day to achieve the day to day targets.He should subordinate them to the interests of the nation and of the masses. Hence, selfishness, slacking, corruption, seeking the limelight, and so on, are most contemptible, while selflessness, working with all one’s energy, one goal,one mission, whole-hearted devotion to public duty and quiet hard work will command respect and in the achievement of the goal.



In view of increasing demand of energy and world’s• depleting fossil fuel reserves, which provide the major source of energy, the development of renewable energy sources has got great importance. Small hydropower (SHP) is an important renewable energy source. There exists a large potential in the range of low head small hydropower schemes on canal falls and irrigation dams. In low head hydropower schemes, energy per unit discharge is low and discharges to be handled are larger. Therefore, the cost of civil structure and electromechanical equipment is higher. Due to higher costpreviously, sufficient attention was not paid to these low head power schemes, but these days, increase in tariff rate and increasing energy demand necessitates to develop low head sites. Now several suitable low head turbines are being offered by. In the present study, it is found that bulb turbine is more suitable for such conditions. Straight flow passage of bulb turbine leads to less hydraulic losses. In view of above, for low head hydroelectric power plant the major costsare the initial investment in the civil works structure and the electromechanical equipment’s. If the cost of the structure is reduced, more attractive small hydroelectric installations would be possible. In the present study, an attempt has been made to reduce the civil structure cost by reducing the intake structure cost because intakes for bulb turbines are the important structure from cost point of view as they are large in relation to their runner diameters. As the water velocity is low in the intake section of bulb turbine hence the losses are small. Due to this reason intake of bulb turbine can be simplified and shortened to decrease the civil structure cost.

Advantages of Small Hydropower

Following are the advantages of small hydro power

It is reliable, eco-friendly and has mature and proven technology.

More suitable for sensitive mountain ecology.

Can-be exploited wherever sufficient water flows.

Does not involve large dams or problem of deforestation, submergence and rehabilitation.

It is nonpolluting, entails no waste or production of toxic gases.

> Minimal transmission losses.

No cost involves in transportation offuel, which occurs in coal diesel and gas-based power plants.

Operation and maintenance cost is very low.


Bulb Turbine

The Bulb turbine is a type of reaction turbine which is used for the lower heads. It is characterized by having the essential turbine components as well as the generator in a bulb from which the name is developed.


Bulb turbine has many advantages compared to the other turbines used for similar site conditions. The straight-lined design of the turbine inlet permits a reduction of the distance between the units of above 30 percent and thus saving in the width of the power plant.Also, the specific speed increase reaches at least 20%. This means that for a given head and output the use of a bulb turbine unit allows a turbine diameter about 10 % smaller than with a conventional turbine.


Bulb Turbine, a type of Kaplan hydro turbine, is considered to be one of the most appropriate turbines for getting better efficiencies at lower head. It is characterized by having the essential turbine components as well as the generator inside a bulb inside water, from which the name is developed. It has the advantage of a straight inflow to the distributor and runner and also the outflow through the conical draft tube has no bend. This results in a minimum of losses in the entire application range and therefore higher efficiencies and a lot of research work had been carried out on bulb turbines such as to improve the cavitation properties, to ensure reliable operation of a unit it is important to have information on the pressures of the flow before and, after- the runner, to develop the coating for protecting blade tip, the effect ofpier atdraft tube outlet on efficiency performance of bulb turbine, investigation of characteristics of bulb turbine during reversible regimes and study on structural stability of stay column and concrete structure.

Not much work has been done on design of intake flow passages for bulb turbines to optimize the civil structure cost. Simplifying the design and construction of bulb turbine intakes could lead to cost savings in both material and labor. The objective of the present work is to study the technical aspects of bulb turbine and investigate possible simplifications and reduction in the length of theintake flow passages for bulb turbines. The head losses associated with these simplifications in the suggested intakes were worked out. Analysis of savings in the cost due to change in intake were made.


The advantages of bulb turbine over other turbines suitable under similar site conditions are as follows: –

From the hydraulic conditions of bulb turbines considerable advantages result for the civil engineering. Turbine intake and draft tube are – easy to form, the spiral can be completely omitted.

The straight-lined design of the turbine inlet permits a reduction of the distance between the units of above 30 percent and thus saving in the width of the power plant.

The height of the power plant can also be reduced. Besides the essentially reduced volume of civil work also the simple sheeting due to the omission of the elbows reduce the cost of civil works considerably. The specific speed increase reaches at least’20%. This means that for a given head and output the use of a bulb turbine unit allows a turbine diameter about 10 % smaller than with a conventional turbine. Hydraulic losses due to sharp bends are also reduced. All these together bring to a total gain of about 25 to 35 % of the civil costs.


The disadvantages of bulb turbine over other turbines suitable under similar site conditions are as follows:

  • There will be high hydraulic forces transferred to the concrete especially towards the hatch opening for dismantling of the runner chamber and runner. These forces are so high that it has been part of the limitation of maximum head for using Bulb turbines.
  • During maximum flood the downstream pressure increases to a level close to upstream level. Then the hydraulic pressure on draft tube and runner chamber will become very high. second only. This causes a fast increase in speed during load rejection.
  • The overhung shafts are exposed to fatigue.
  • Bulb turbines have a very small inertia GD2 with a time constant of approximately one
  • High humidity is present inside the bulb which can cause the corrosion of several parts


As per the Editor Early Times, Mr.Munish Gupta, The iconic Ranbir Canal, considered to be a major landmark of Jammu city and lifeline for common Jammuites in general and farming community in particular, is dying a slow death thanks largely to the lackadaisical approach of the authorities concerned, who are least bothered for the preservation of this heritage canal as they have failed to chalk out any long-term plan to save the water body.

Uncontrolled human activities which involve throwing off garbage as well as administrative indifference together are contributing to slow death of the historic Ranbir Canal, a part of Jammu’s rich heritage for the last 108 years.

Plastic bags, other waste materials like rotten fruits and vegetables, poultry residue as well as debris can be easily found floating on the water body’s surface as shopkeepers and inhabitants residing in the vicinity of the canal use it with impunity to get rid of discarded items.

Expressing dismay over the fast deteriorating condition of the canal, he said that even the much-hyped Swachh Bharat Abhiyan and other initiatives are of no use adding that the cosmetic efforts put in by the authorities cannot change the fate of the dying canal.

We all can see that the canal is on the verge of becoming a big dumping site as people have turned the water body to dispose of solid waste and directly pour sewage generated in houses. At many places, the banks of the canal are filled with garbage and filth, he added.

The dumping of garbage is not only affecting the health of the canal badly but it is also proving out as a peril for those who take bath in the canal specifically in summer season since taking a plunge in the polluted water body could lead to skin disorders as well as other ailments.

“Ranbir Canal, one of the major landmarks of the city is slowly but steadily losing its charm due to the shortsightedness of the administration which is putting up merely halfhearted measures on ground and only making tall claims to restore the pristine glory of the water body,” said Munish Gupta.

“The canal is still a popular picnic spot for the Jammuites in particular children especially during the scorching summers but people visiting the site now a days prefer to avoid cooling off in the icy waters due to the ever increasing pollution level in the water body. The beautiful canal could not be used properly for years together.

Now in view of study, it can be used for the power generation using canal based small head hydro power small power house schemes installing 2 MW bulb turbine units at 5 places and also renovation of defunct aged old canal power house by installing 5 MW bulb turbine units. The Government shall direct the concerned that a comprehensive scheme to fully utilize the gravity flow canal water potential for power generation be explored and accomplish it in 4-yeartime, which is quite reasonable in terms of time cost. We should not allow this heritage to go for slow death.


Ranbir Canal is a serene picnic spot situated about 2 kms from Jammu, in Jammu and Kashmir. Completed in 1905, the main canal is 60 km in length and its distribution system about 400 km. It takes off from left of Chenab River up-stream Akhnoor Bridge, 25 km north-east of Jammu city and passes through four taluks of Jammu District (Jammu, R S Pura, Bishnah and Samba.) The canal was remodeled during 1968-75. There was a power house situated on the right bank of the canal but now scraped altogether.

Salient Design elements of Canal

In view of the earlier failures to bring Chenab river water to Jammu city, full supply of the Canal at its off-take point from Chenab river was kept one foot below the lowest water level of river to ensure permanent regular full water supply in the Canal even in lean winter months when Chenab river flows at its lowest level. It was designed as a gravity-run water channel ((with no pumping involved anywhere) for a total discharge of 720 cusecs of water. It traversed upto Jammu city, crossed Tawi river through an underground masonry super-passage and then running through flatter lands in R SPura & Samba tehsils, terminated in village Dohali in R S Pura tehsil. Total designed length of Ranbir Canal is 59.55 Kms (26.55 Kms from Akhnoor to Jammu and 33 Kms from Tawi river in Jammu city to its terminal point in R S Pura tehsil). The Canal section was designed with a bed width of 30′, full supply depth of 7.3′ and bed slope @ 1 in 4000 to ensure water flow by gravity at a mean velocity of 2.9 feet per second. It crossed 16 barsati nallahs from Akhnoor to Jammu.



Apart from Ranbir canal, there are number of locations in the UT, where,we can go for similar bulb turbine unit schemes for power generation. The JAMMU AND KASHMIR PDD/PDC/JAKEDA must carry out intensive exercises and explore all the potential sites and immediately take action for distributed power generation. Needless to say, that UT needs adequate 24x7power for our industries and developmentto accomplish the goal by 2030.

Community Solar Power projects.

(Solar energy a source of energy for 21st century)

Describing solar power as ‘Sure, Pure and Secure’, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had always said that Solar Energy would be a major source for providing the energy needs of an aspirational India in the 21st Century. This is an admitted fact and moreover, the whole World is vigorously pursuing it.Such Solar Energy projects are a true representation of Aatmanirbhar Bharat (Self-Reliant India).‘Sure because of the continuous supply of Energy from the Sun, Pure as it is environment friendly and Secure because it is a secure source for our energy needs.

The PM also said that the economy is an important aspect of self-reliance and progress. Referring to the regular dilemma whether to focus on Economy or Ecology, the PM said India resolved such dilemmas by focusing on Solar Energy Projects and other environment friendly measures.‘Economy and Ecology are not contradictory but complementary to each other.

The erstwhile Jammu and Kashmir state was allocated a collective target of 1150 MWSolar Power to be achieved by the end of 2022, out of which 450 MW was to be achieved through Grid Connected Rooftop Solar Power. To harvest the solar energy in a short span of time is really a herculean task for the Government. Asizeable time has already been lost in sensitization of stake holders and hardly any progress has been registered on ground. Though, a perceptible improvement in domestic supply in terms of quality of voltage have been done, yet much more needs to be done to achieve the Mission of the Central Government’s, 24×7 uninterrupted power supply in all the districts by 2022. There are no two opinion that everybody at the top acknowledges the importance of alternate energy sources for the development of J&K UT/ UTLadakh. It is the right time that focus should be shifted from BIG Hydro generation of power to Solar, Wind and other renewable sources. The gestation Period required for completion of solar power generation projects ranges from 5 to 6 months whereas 6 to 8 years are usually required to put in operation hydro power projects. We have already lost a lot of our valuable time in making us to wade through the marsh of troubles and miseries. In case the Solar Power is not properly tapped at this point of time our miseries will spike. This is high time to lift ourselves from the morass and tread the path of development as the team at the top in the Governance is with the mighty shoulder of Lieutenant Governor MANOJ SINHA. The J&K UT / Ladakh UT state largely depends on the power generation from BIG hydropower projects, thermal power besides from DG sets. The erstwhile Jammu & Kashmir has a total generation capacity of 20,000 MW hydro power. The J&K UT/Ladakh UT state is heavily relying on power purchase from the grid and thermal power generation units and gas and diesel-based power units during winters when their own hydro power generation nose dives and power demand increases. We are facing power crisis of 700MW due to untapped renewable energy, high rate of AT&C losses and pilferage. The J&K UT is presently focusing on generating power through big hydro power projects and very little has been done to tap the potential of micro hydro power and solar energy. Grid electricity penetration in remote hilly areas of UT is techno-economically unviable, as geographical disadvantages and scattered household pattern pose a big problem. Moreover, the power sector of J&K UT is already facing difficulties like slow rate of capacity addition, poor power evacuation facility, high AT&C losses and mismatch in load profile. Power utilization mix is not commensurate with the climatic Conditions. In J&K UT,the Promotion and utilization of renewable energy is the most feasible solution. Further, there is also a challenge in the path of harvesting solar energy in the varied topographical features of the union territories of Jammu & Kashmir and also of Ladakh UT. There is need of implementing different methodologies in different areas to realize the set target of a 1150Mw of Renewal energy by 2022.

As per Technical requirements, the Cumulative capacity of solar installations in the area cannot be more than 20% of the distribution transformer capacity and 50% of the individual sanctioned load. This aspect is also to be kept in mind while planning the exploitation of solar energy in such remote hilly areas.

The J&K UT blessed with immense potential for renewable energy projects. Considering the region’s vast potential to harness renewable resources and to promote clean energy, investment in this available sector promises high returns. There is a need for encouraging local sector to increase their investments, encouraging young qualified engineers in renewable energy by providing higher returns on their investments. Engineers, scientists, developmental agencies of government, and NGOs etc. are required to work on this aspect of non-traditional energy sources for the development of eco-friendly, farmerfriendly power generation system in almost in all the Panchayats. The micro solar projects having short gestation period will prove to be economical, beneficial and most environmental-friendly in the long run. These projects can bring sustained energy to the state which is the burning requirement for achieving rapid industrial growth in Rural industries. It is urged that cooperative and constructive efforts are required for efficient harnessing of renewable energy by all local stake holders. For the speedy development of the union territory, a comprehensive action plan needs to be formulated and practically experimented on ground. We have to deploy all the available resources, machinery, work force, positive, practical systematic approach, one mindset, one cause, one action by following a simple straight and shortest path to success. It is an admitted fact that no Government in any country can afford to provide mass employment from the Govt. Sector alone to all its young working force but at the same time it has the responsibility of the Government to see how the young force would stay alive gracefully. Due to lack of industrialization and other development projects, these young engineers do not get opportunity, exposure of working /experience and consequently do not get jobs outside in view of their having hardly any experience. Now, our Government has to address this problem of unemployment before it is too late that the engineering degree/diploma holders may even forget and mentally drain the technology learnt resulting that the very simple definition of famous ohm law could not be evenremembered. We have at present lakhs of unemployed work force, engineers and others. Their talent can be utilized in the development process of the union territory. A comprehensive plan for self-employment is the only solution to achieve the objective of the development of the territory. What we need is self-sufficiency in energy generation besides developing industry at village level. The foremost priority is to harness solar power in almost in all the 4000 Panchayats of the territory in a well-planned manner by installing 2MWsolar power projects on a shadow free sun facing areas and a 70 Kanal piece of uncultivated waste land in each panchayat in community IPPmode. These projects at the Panchayat level will generate power, setup small village industries and can be constructed with the collective efforts of the people of Panchayat, each with a group of 4 young unemployed engineers, local developers, financiers and in-house engineering technology and indigenous equipment.

. The power shall be purchased by the Government by entering into PPA. The revenue generated shall be proportionally shared with the Panchayat and utilized in the development of the Panchayat. With the availability of power, the small village industries can be then established with the help of small village and industry board. This will generate local employment. Further, by being self-sufficient in energy, we can compete with advanced and industrialized nations and shall be the exporter of power.



As of now, there is a capability to manufacture white power type fuel alternate to coal at the panchayat level out of waste material (STINGERS AND NEEDLES) collected from forest areas and manufacture from solar powered devices using power. The calorific value of this fuel is much more than coal. The manufacture of this fuel at the Panchayat level will generate mass employment for all the persons in the collection of waste material from the forests and shall prove to be of a great source of revenue to the forest department, which otherwise is a waste and a cause of great loss by way of jungle fire.

It is the responsibility of the Government to come out expeditiously with a comprehensive and practicable action plan of solar policy for achieving the first assigned target of 1150 MW solar power by 2022.The plan should be very simple, workable, encourage local developers, young unemployed engineers, local financiers to achieve the objective of the development of the union territory, give mass self-employment by way of generating solar power of 2 MWalmost in each Panchayat in community IPP mode. This 2MW solar project shall be of distributive type and shall be close to the consumer by feeding power to the nearest 11kv lines. In this way, no big network of transmission line shall be required. We can ill afford big solar farms in view of rugged topography and hilly terrain. What we need is the will of the Government and only 70 kanals of waste land in each Panchayat?


The world is undergoing a fundamental shift in the energy sector from fossil fuel-based systems to increasingly decentralized renewable energy systems at scales to suit all energy sectors. Limited energy infrastructure, population spread over vast areas and an arid climate in Jammu and Kashmir was a disadvantage, but now there is an advantage by installing solar power generation infrastructure. The whole union territory of J&K has unmatched renewal energy availability. The technologies required to utilize this energy can be scaled to meet every need and installed wherever energy is needed.

The technologies required to utilize this energy can be scaled to meet every need and installed wherever energy is needed. Furthermore, Jammu and Kashmir can avoid costly lock-in of centralized energy systems in areas previously without electricity and upgrade existing systems creating energy security. This will also ensure safeguarding our natural resources like forests which are off and on damaged during laying of huge transmission lines and construction of dams for hydropower plants.

The solar power vision for Jammu & Kashmir is necessary to be exploitedfor utilizing solar power potential in J&K through Community Solar Power under Independent Power Producer (IPP) mode. To give a quick start of these solar projects, 2 Megawatt (MW) Solar Power can be generated in a cluster of 10 village panchayats. This is a vision for the expansion of opportunities into energy services in every urban neighborhood,in each District, Block and village panchayat, in which sustainable livelihoods for families, farmers, health care centers, schools, small and medium sized businesses, and multiple service providers could get the due benefits. There is huge potential of renewable sources of energy in Jammu and Kashmir that needs to be harnessed in driving socioeconomic development and support the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s). Solar power has very little contribution in this despite J & K being the second largest in terms of having the potential of 111.05 Gigawats Peak (GWp) for solar power generation in the country.

This natural blessing entails us to exploit judicially and adopt different methodology for the different regions of Jammu & Kashmir .


2 MWGrid ConnectedSolar Farms :

The Central Government had announced plans to build the World’s largest Solar Energy Power Plant farms in Union Territory of Ladakh , which would be as big as 5,000 MW. This would be equally distributed as 2500 MWs each for Leh and Kargil which is to be completed by end of 2023. Total estimated investment for this project is around Rs 45,000 crore. Due to hilly terrain, poor health of the weak grid, huge gap of supply demand, mismatch load profile, stability issue of the power system, occupancy of huge areas of land required nearest to the load centers and nearness to urban entails us that we should not go for big solar power farms in all other areas except Leh and Kargil areas.

Community solar power plants

The most viable solution is tapping distributed small farms solar power through Independent Power Producers (IPP) community mode only. In community mode, a group of the investors is created which consists of unemployed engineers, developers, representatives from each Panchayat. They identify 70 Kanals of hilly uncultivated ownership land/ lease land. Then prepare a Detailed Project Report (DPR) of Grid connected 2 MW Solar power farms. This proposal is sent to Jammu & Kashmir Energy Development Agency (JAKEDA) and Power Development Department (PDD) for their approval. Then a proposal is made for entering a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with the Government at a nominal proposed power tariff of R 4.93/unit. This proposed reasonable tariff has been worked out considering the lowest tariff bidding for urban area obtained in July 2019 of Rs 2.90/unit for big farms + 70% increase due to remote hilly location, transportation, higher cost of labour, service and other charges of higher cost of Balance of Material for the plant, as being small in nature .This will help in reducing the time lost in inviting tenders and obtaining the lowest bid again. This has already been done at national level by inviting global tenders and the lowest bid has been obtained at a value of Rs 2.90/unit for big farms in July 2019, wherein the cost of Balance of Material (BOM) is coordinated with the total cost of the plant. The only task left is to do brainstorming by the J&K Electricity Regulatory Commission and find a reasonable value of loading the lowest tariff value after considering all other parameters mentioned above and fix a final acceptable and workable tariff to be awarded to the local developers. Make the solar power policy most simple, attractive, one window solution for all statutory clearances in IPP under Community mode for 2 MW Distributed grid connected solar power farms at least one in each Panchayat. This community mode of construction of 2MW small solar farm grid connected shall enable to generate local power, accommodate many unemployed persons, local development, establishing small industrial units in each Panchayat in addition to maintain the ecological balance by generating clean power. Villages become self-sufficient.

The 2MW solar power farm can be commissioned in 6 months’ time and power can be evacuated through the nearest 11kv station/lines and thus making the village Panchayat self-sufficient vis a vis power. Once the power in each Panchayat is obtained, then small village industries can come up and usher in an era of sustainable development with clean energy.

To start with, if we simultaneously take 10 solar power farms of 2MW each, this means that 20MW solar power in Independent Power Producers (IPP) community mode can be obtained in a shortest span of 6 months besides creating employment opportunities for the people in each village panchayat. The income from these farms can be shared proportionally for the development of the Panchayat share.

 Solar Research center and Lab.

Solar Research Centre and Laboratory (SRCL) at Jammu for carrying out research and development in the solar energy sector plus training the technical staff for meeting the needs of skilled manpower for Solar Power which in near future would be the biggest energy sector. In the Research Centre, maintenance and repairing facilities shall also be created so that the solar installations could be regularly monitored and corrective action taken without losing precious time. Involve local youth Jammu & Kashmir Government must formulate a simple policy for utilizing solar energy under IPP mode as expeditiously as possible. This would ensure participation of more and more local developers especially the unemployed educated youth, unemployed engineers and other technocrats for taking up 2MW small solar power farms in all the hilly areas of Jammu & Kashmir. Moreover, any experience and huge turn over clause in the agreement /policy should not be made as essential criteria as this would deprive local entrepreneurs from setting up these small solar power projects. If the target to achieve 1150 MW of solar power is to be achieved by year 2022 then the Government has to have liberal policies and local residents of Jammu & Kashmir should be given preference in setting up these small projects. This will not only give us clean energy but it will create employment opportunities for the many unemployed technocrats and people living in the villages, where such projects would be taken up. Asingle window system should be created by the Government for helping local entrepreneurs to participate in this entire process.

DR RAZA BHAT, Chairman RTI Movement have written a lot in the past on the destruction of our environment by laying of huge transmission lines especially the 44O KV DC Samba -Amargrah transmission line due to which 50,000 forest trees were axed in Pir Panjal forests of Rajouri , Poonch , Shopian and Budgam. We destroyed forests in Doda and Kishtwar in the past for building huge dams and hydropower plants which takes years to get commissioned.

The 2MW Solar power plants get ready for commissioning in 6 months and if the Government takes up 500 such projects in one go that means in 6 months J&K will get 1000 MWs of clean energy without even destroying nature. Infact, one can continue with the agricultural activity in the areas where such solar panels are installed.

Artificial Intelligence in Power Systems

A continuous and reliable supply of electricity is necessary for the functioning of today’s modern and advanced society. Since the early to mid-1980s, most of the effort in power systems analysis has turned away from the methodology of formal mathematical modeling which came from the areas of operations research, control theory and numerical analysis to the less rigorous and less tedious techniques of artificial intelligence (AI). Power systems keep on increasing on the basis of geographical regions, assets additions, and introduction of new technologies in generation, transmission and distribution of electricity. AI techniques have become popular for solving different problems in power systems like control, planning, scheduling, forecast, etc. These techniques can deal with difficult tasks faced by applications in modern large power systems with even more interconnections installed to meet increasing load demand. The application of these techniques has been successful in many areas of power system engineering.


Power system analysis by conventional techniques   becomes more difficult because of:

(i) Complex, versatile and large amount of information which is used in calculation, diagnosis and learning.

(ii) Increase in the computational time period and accuracy due to extensive and vast system data handling.


The modern power system operates close to the limits due to the ever-increasing energy consumption and the extension of currently existing electrical transmission networks and lines. This situation requiresaless conservative power system operation and control operation which is possible only by continuously checking the system states in a much more detail manner than it was necessary. Sophisticated computer tools are now the primary tools in solving the difficult problems that arise in the areas of power system planning, operation, diagnosis and design. Among these computer tools, ArtificialIntelligence has grown predominantly in recent years and has been applied to various areas of power systems.


(i) Stability analysis and enhancement

(ii) Power system control

(iii) Fault diagnosis

(iv) Security assessment

(v) Load forecasting

(vi) Reactive power planning and its control

(vii) State estimation

Reactive Power and Voltage Control 

Main types of voltage problems are:

(i) Planning of system reactive power demands and control facilities. 

(ii) Installation of reactive power control resources. 

(iii) The operation of existing voltage resources and control device.

Several problems in power systems cannot be solved by conventional techniques are based on several requirements which may not feasible all the time. In these situations, artificial intelligence techniques are the obvious and the only option. Areas of application of AI in power systems are:

(i) Operation of power system like unit commitment, hydro-thermal coordination, economic dispatch,

congestion management, maintenance scheduling, state estimation, load and power flow.

(ii) Planning of power system like generation expansion planning, power system reliability, transmission

expansion planning, reactive power planning.

(iii) Control of power system like voltage control, stability control, power flow control, load frequency control.

(iv) Control of power plants like fuel cell power plant control, thermal power plant control.

(v) Control of network like location, sizing and control of FACTS devices.

(vi) Electricity markets like strategies for bidding, analysis of electricity markets.

(vii) Automation of power system like restoration, management, fault diagnosis, network security.

(viii) Applications of distribution system like planning and operation of distribution system, demand side

response and demand side management, operation and control of smart grids, network reconfiguration.

(ix) Applications of distributed generation like distributed generation planning, solar photovoltaic power plant

control, wind turbine plant control and renewable energy resources.

(x) Forecasting application like short term and long term load forecasting, electricity market forecasting, solar

power forecasting, wind power forecasting.


  1. Conclusion

The main feature of power system design and planning is reliability, which was conventionally evaluated using deterministic methods. Moreover, conventional techniques don’t fulfill the probabilistic essence of power systems. This leads to increase in operating and maintenance costs. Plenty of research is performed to utilize the current interest AI for power system applications. A lot of research is yet to be performed to perceive full advantages of this upcoming technology for improving the efficiency of electricity market investment, distributed control and monitoring, efficient system analysis, particularly power systems which use renewable energy resources for operation.


To take on CHINA by 2030, it is very essential to achieve the sustained rapid development by then. The continuous technological advancementsare the essential element of the development. All the qualified engineers, retired technocrats, university professors, both Government and privatetechnological institutes must come closer and shoulder their contributions for the technological advancements.

Skill Training Centre in education sector

Advance practical on hand skill training needs to be imparted to our fresh qualified engineers in the field of complete design of hydro and solar projects components both civil, electrical, mechanical, instrumental, hydro- mechanical, electro- mechanical. The working shall be with the latest software.The electrical engineers, computer science, computer communication should be imparted on hand training in data science, artificial intelligence in power system, Etap, infrastructure design, multistory buildings, defense, bridges, tunnels, dams etc.


It is quite feasible to get solar power by installing solar panels all along the banks and over the 10 meter width and(26.55 Kms of Ranbir canals from Akhnoor to Jammu. The total minimum area for the solar panels shall be availableof the order of (20000mx10m) i.e 200000 square meter.

The standard solar panel has an input rate of around 1000 Watts per square meter, and the majority of solar panels available have around 15-20% efficiency. Therefore, if solar panel was 1 square meter in size, then it would likely only produce around 150-200W in good sunlight.Thus, the total minimum power which can be generated shall be (200000 square meter x 150W per square meter) i.e 300MW. The Government must look seriously for availing this great opportunity of generating 300MW Solar power in Jammu city.


400MW Solar power can also be generated along the banks of the river Tawi. The Government also must look seriously for availing this great opportunity of generating 400MW Solar power in Jammu city.



Delhi-Amritsar-Katra Expressway is an under-construction 687-kilometre-long ,6 to 8 lanes controlled-access expressway, which will connect Delhi with Amritsar inPunjab and Katra inJammu and Kashmir]. FromDelhi the expressway goes toNakodar in Jalandhar district whereit Y-forks into two separate spurs,one of which goes west to Amritsar and another northwest to Katra. This Expressway will reduce the current Delhi-Katra distance from727 km to 588 km or from 14 hours to 8 hours andDelhi-Amritsardistance to 405 km or from 8 hours to 4hours

To be constructed as part of the Bharatmala project ,it is expected tocost Rs 35,000 crore. Detailed Project Report (DPR) wascompleted in November 2019, andland acquisition commencedfrom January 2020.

It is, therefore, proposed that a high-speed train corridor on both sides of the expressway be also thought a head and a detailed DPR be also prepared now, so that the land acquisition be also commenced now. It will make the travel much comfortable and shorter to reach Delhi from Jammu in one hour only.

The power required for electromagnets in many EMS and EDS designs require between 1 and 2 kilowatts per ton. The use of superconductor magnets can reduce the electromagnets’ energy consumption. A 50-ton Transrapid maglev vehicle can lift an additional 20 tons, for a total of 70 tons, which consumes 70–140 kW No big power infrastructure is required for the whole journey.

The Government should also give a serious thought to run Transrapid maglev vehicle at 600km/hhigh speed on  magnet track .

New Small-Scale industry policy.  (Glimpses)

. Power is the essential part for the industry. No power no industry. The J&K UT had suffered a lot on account of meagre power.  Many industries had died slowly on account of less availability of power resulting the failure of industrial sector and the owners used to thrive only on the subsidiary and contributed nothing in the development of J&K UT.

Now, in order to contribute its share in the GDP of the NATION and for the rapid development, it is very necessary that we should have adequate power and industrial sectors both in the rural and urban areas. In this visionary document, it has been emphasized first to develop 2 MW grid connected solar power infrastructure in every Panchyat before putting up small scale industrial units.It is very necessary that we should do continuous small changes to have a big impact towards the rapid development. ,

National Manufacturing Policy is being subsumed in the broader “Make in India” scheme. The object is to accelerate manufacturing sector growth to 12-14 per cent per annum so that the share of manufacturing increases from 16 per cent of GDP to 25 per cent by 2022 that in turn can create 100 million jobs.

The “Make in India” strategy has to be a blend of policy mix that not only encourages large-scale manufacturing but takes along the Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to make the growth process more inclusive. What’s the use of rapid industrialization, if it does not benefit those at the bottom of the pyramid? Here, SMEs come into the picture as it is this sector that can help India cut its reliance on imports, spur jobs and raise income of millions.

Which is why, the “Make in India” mission has to be supported by a host of changes in the government policies and procedures ranging from the FDI rules, taxation, SME policy, building of National   Industrial infrastructure to labour laws. The Government has to install itself the complete industrial infrastructure in every Panchyat and allot to the the persons, who wish to open a new industrial unit. It has been experienced that10% increase in new firms in a district yield 1.8% increase in district GDP.


Our industrial policy should be simple, encouraging, quick sanction and be such, that a simple matriculate person without any finance resource and political approach be able to start a small/micro industrial unit without comprising environmental standard. The only requirement for such person/persons should be that he/they should have passion, drive, confidence, hunger, daring and ambition to start the industry.

The following are the   highlights of the new proposed industry policy:

 1.To prepare the complete project report of the proposed industry separately for each item for bulk production in various Panchyat.

2.Arrange all the clearances, financial sanctions, decision to start one item in one particular area on the CHINA pattern.

  1. The industries wing should fix the required basic infrastructure for automatic bulk production.

4.Fair allotment of the unit to the local. At least two persons in a family can go for such option of starting such micro industry.

  1. Supply raw materials at door and collect the finished goods and sell outside to the world and in the country at competitive rate. The pricing components of such services be progressively debited from the total cost and balance cost be credited to the owner.
  2. To make arrangements to export certain unfinished specific items without any label to the developing countries in bulk for getting more orders for bulk productions.
  3. To take on CHINA in the production of anything at cheap rates comparativelylarge percentage of electronics be made by making the most complete and cost-effective ecosystem of component manufacturers.
  4. Assembly lines IN JK(UT)

To start Assembly lines for PC/phone/toys/clothes/ shoes/fashions/religious material/electronic items/led etc. components in JK(UT) and ship the final products back to USA and all other EUROPEAN countries.

  1. To impart Experience and Know How –

To impart   expertise and experience in producing cheap quality goods in bulk   at   low costs for world’s electronic gadgets, Fancy LED goods and many more items of   day to day useable items

  1. To ease financial terms and making arrangements with the financial for the buyers enabling to purchase in bulk even, if failed to pay to the manufacturer the full amount.

11.The system should be robust enabling   world to have no choice   than to purchase from INDIA and more particularly from J&K UT.

12.Labour cost, though on the rise, is still very low because people are still flooding to the cities from the countryside looking for work, large supply keeps prices down,

  1. Large scale production

X company wants shoes, Y company wants shoes also, Z company also wants shoes. When all three companies’ orders are put together, large scale production becomes not only possible, but a no brainier. There is so much market left for commodity out there. The industry department should  have no problem lumping many orders of the same thing together to gain incredible level of economy of scale, pushing prices way below American or European standards and creating a big business.

  1. J&K UT has to become the cost leader in manufacturing. Effective routing of raw material, bulk production,cheap labor as compared to other countries can bring down costs in production.

Raw materials of products are cheap because of 2 factors: One, most of them are produced in INDIA itself. Second, due to high demand they are available at cheapest price.

If we compare China in terms of world   cost leader, it has VAT taxation system which allows taxing only value added services ,so production is cheap. Plus, China doesn’t charge on export and the US doesn’t have import duty for Chinese goods thus reducing costs.

Our clear industry policy is to create an unrivalled quality manufacturing ecosystem that makes manufacturing in J&K UT way more convenient and affordable than other parts of the world.

  1. J&K UT can become the world’s factory for electronic items as it is having the largest reserves of rare earth metal (metals used in electronic products and needs to be judicially exploited to make them useable for manufacturing all electronic products at cheaper rates. The only requirement is of adequate infrastructures and the industry department has to establish properly, as it is beyond the reach of anybody as an individual. The success of CHINA to become the world’s factory is that the building of adequate nationwide infrastructure for automatic bulk production is embedded in the CHINA industry policy. Even silicon required can also be obtained from our hilly rivers.

A lot of different parts are needed to build   more complex products, especially electronics product such as a smartphone: batteries, touch screens, camera modules, circuit boards, and plastic housings. Many of these are custom made in INDIA   and the spare parts needed can be obtained indigenously A set transparent procedure is required to be built in the policy to bring down the cost  cheaper and not   to eat into J&K’s UT overall manufacturing ‘market-share’ for very labor-intensive products such as clothing and shoes.


The first priorities in manufacturing   each in different areas for these fast moving items such as Fashion Jewelry, Hair Accessories, Fine Jewelry, Fashion Bags, Women’s Clothing, Women’s Shoes, Fashion Watches, Swimwear, Fashion Accessories, Mother & Baby, Creative Products, Cheap Jewelry, Antivirus Protection, Festival items, Hair Accessories, Wholesale Jewelry etc. needs to be properly planned and manufactured in bulk


High labour productivity, Most modern, high tech machinery, High machine productivity,

Very high installed capacity leading to economy of scale, Abundant supply of cheap raw material, Excellent infrastructure, Cheap and efficient logistics, Limited dependence on global supply chain, Production runs on massive scale due to very high level of exports, Use of domestic technology obviating payment of license fees and royalties are the few measures to bring down the cost of production.



  • The industry department shall identify all the items, which can be taken up one item per Panchyat for the bulk production.
  • Prepare project proposal, statuary clearances, financial tie up for 500 Panchyats in first phase.
  • Take action for building up the required infrastructure by themselves in 500 Panchyats.
  • Fair allotment to the local deserving.
  • Award contract to the entrepreneurs for arranging raw material, supply at the door step, collect the finished products, marketing and sale.
  • Crediting the final differential component of the amount due to the owner of the industry.


  • Develop 2 MW SOLAR PROJECT in IPP mode in each Panchyat.
  • Power purchase agreement with the developer at the rate of power tariff of R 4.93/unit.


  • Proper timeline monitoring system for completion , policy changes,quick approvals, completion of the concerned central ministry assigned target of solar power generation.
  • Ensure significant contribution by the UT towards economy and ensure rapid development by keeping eye on the Goal of taking China by 2030.
  • Ensure no loss of time in file movement and approvals.
  • To enable the realization of ‘Aatmanirbhar Bharat and to take on CHINA by 2030,ensure no element of deterrence, fear and all the officers be allowed to work freely withselflessness, working with all one’s energy, one goal, one mission, whole-hearted devotion to public duty and quiet hard work for the speedily development of the UT.
  • (The Author is a Recipient oh National Award in Hydro Power)
  • (Er Dharam Pal Balgotara)
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